How do I be happy in life?​

Building great relationships, elevating connections!​

Guiding individuals and families towards deeper harmony.

Are you facing relationship problems?​


Frienship Issues​

Ama has already fixed a lot of friendship issues, build lasting connections among individuals and groups. Friends are meant to understand each other. Ama is an expert in helping you understand your friend.


Parent-Child Issues​

There’s always a common mistake as to how a child can be raised gracefully according to their differences. Ama specialises in creating that lovely bond between parents and children


Commitment Issues​

Ama will nurture your commitment, build your trust, respect, and acceptance—putting your family first.


Family Issues​

Finding common grounds, mutual compromise, and respect are crucial to having a strong family bond. Ama connects you better.

How I can help you be happier?


Familial Relationship​

Ama Relationship specializes in nurturing and strengthening social and familial bonds between individual and groups. Think of how to ammend it, before you blow it up.


Social Relationship

We create social ties can instill a sense of responsibility and concern for others that then lead individuals to engage in behaviors that protect the health of others, as well as their own health


Relationship And Society

Social connection is dynamic – it changes over time – and there are many ways to connect socially. But each connection has one or more of these important components:  structure, function, and quality.

Experience the transformative power of meaningful relationships with Ama.

Ama Relationship

About Image

About Me

I’m an NLP-Certified coach.
Ama specializes in nurturing and strengthening social and familial bonds. Our expert team offers insightful analysis, compassionate counseling, and skillful relationship management.

When life gets hard and starts to grip away from your control, Ama can still keep you connected. Ama will calm your soul and give you the strength and courage to take on life head-on, help you find common grounds, mutual compromise, respect. and strong family bond.

Bestseller Books​

Best selling relationship books recommended by coach Ama

Book Cover
Always, be happy!​

From $14.95​

Etiam pharetra, erat sed fermentum feugiat, velit mauris egestas quam, ut aliquam massa.

Book Cover
About Relationships​

From $19.95​

Etiam pharetra, erat sed fermentum feugiat, velit mauris egestas quam, ut aliquam massa.

Book Cover
Just Smile​

From $23.95​

Etiam pharetra, erat sed fermentum feugiat, velit mauris egestas quam, ut aliquam massa.

Happy Clients

Listen to people who have been impacted by Ama, broken relationships are restored, hopeless situations and conditions are rebuilt and restored.

Latest Blog Posts​

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March 12, 2021​

You can be happy again

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March 12, 2021​

The quality of your life determines your trust.

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Ready To Transform Your Relationship?

Do you ever feel stuck in relationship?
Do you have resentments against each other?
Are you scared of commitment?